


[Try] Claude2 writes the diary of an immortal

Claude2 has been released, and it is said to have the following advantages:

  • More secure: The technical framework of Constitute AI
  • Longer text: Supports input of up to 100,000 tokens
  • Stronger logic: Can write code and explain logic
  • Updated data: A model trained with new data from early 2023

Diary a Million Years Later#

Dear Diary,

Today is an ordinary day a million years after my immortality began. I sit atop a high mountain, gazing at the plains and the sea below. Once upon a time, this was a place of flourishing human civilization, now reduced to crumbling ruins, submerged in reeds and thorns.

I still remember the grandeur of this place hundreds of thousands of years ago. As an important trade hub in ancient times, it gathered the finest cultures from all over. The wonders of Aeropolis architecture and the Hanging Gardens made it a marvel of the world. The city was filled with intricately carved sculptures and fountains, giving an otherworldly feeling. This city was once so prosperous and magnificent, yet now it has become a wasteland, and this contrast brings tears to my eyes.

Documenting the rise and fall of this city makes me more aware that no civilization can last forever. Just like a person from birth to old age, ultimately destined for death. This is the rule of the universe; everything will eventually turn to dust. This also makes me understand that the meaning of immortality lies not only in witnessing but also in passing on the spirit of civilization.

So I began to think about how to preserve the memories of this city in my heart. I decided to build a magnificent memorial, using various materials to depict the former glory of this city. I carved towering city walls and palaces from marble, shaped crowns and thrones from gold, restoring its past glory.

This memorial stood for over a hundred thousand years, only to be eventually buried by wind and sand. Watching it turn to dust, I realized that external forms will eventually fade away. So how can I eternally remember everything that has happened here? Finally, I decided to record the story of this city, ensuring its soul lives on through my writings.

I spent hundreds of thousands of years creating tens of thousands of epics, poems, and novels in various languages. Among them, the long poem "The Legend of Aeropolis" records the history of the city's establishment and its former scenes of life. I wrote down the joys and sorrows of the common people, recreating the ever-changing visage of this city. This work was passed down for over a hundred thousand years, becoming a classic of that era.

But after 800,000 years, these languages and writings gradually faded from memory. I flipped through my works and found them difficult to understand. They appeared rigid and incomprehensible to later generations, losing their emotional impact. I realized that the lifespan of written words has its limits; to pass on civilization, I needed a more universal approach.

Thus, I turned my attention to music and dance. Through the combination of melody and rhythm, music can express universal human emotions, while dance can convey the rhythm of life through the body. I created epic symphonies lasting over ten thousand years, as well as ritual dances reflecting the history of this city, hoping to preserve its imprint in a more intuitive artistic form.

I once thought that through these means, the story of this city could be passed down forever. However, everything has an end. Millions of years later, this land underwent tremendous geological changes and was submerged by the sea. Those music and dances were lost over the long years. Watching the familiar mountains sink to the seabed, I understood that everything will eventually fade away.

At this moment, I finally grasped the meaning of immortality. Looking back over millions of years, I tried through various means to keep a civilization that had long perished alive. But ultimately, all material forms will vanish. What I want to pass on is not just its history, but the spiritual power contained within human civilization.

So I turned my perspective inward, reconstructing every brick and tile of this city in my mind. I repeatedly recalled every person I had encountered, their character and emotional hues. I relived the rise and fall of this city in my consciousness, replaying those important historical scenes over and over. I immersed myself in the atmosphere of that era and cultural trends, integrating them into my own life experiences. Although the external material forms no longer exist, the city in my heart remains vivid.

When I close my eyes, I seem to return to Aeropolis millions of years ago. I see the bustling market and lively galleries, smell the aroma of street food stalls, and hear the music played by court musicians... This city lives on in my rich memories, becoming an indelible part of my life.

In this way, I will reconstruct the civilization I once saw in the ocean of consciousness. Although they have long since perished materially, their spirit will endure through my memories. My inner world will gather all the cultural treasures of humanity, transcending the barriers of time, forever shining and radiating.

This is my ultimate understanding of immortality. As an immortal being, my mission is to carry the spark of civilization, protect the essence created by humanity, and ensure its light never fades. I will continue to wander, passing the torch of civilization through the long river of time, until the end of the universe.

Dear Diary, today's writing ends here. Tomorrow I will continue this never-ending process, transforming everything I see into the power of immortality. This is my greatest emotional investment in this land and the highest interpretation of the meaning of life.

Aeropolis City

Diary on the Day of Heat Death#

Dear Diary,

Today, the universe has finally entered the so-called "heat death" state. Over these billions of years, all galaxies have gradually drifted apart, all stellar fuel has been exhausted, turning into black holes or white dwarfs, and the thermal energy in the universe has gradually tended toward uniform distribution, everything has fallen into stillness and darkness.

Now, only the pitch-black void remains around me. Occasionally, a few remaining stars slowly fade away, emitting faint light, only to be swallowed by endless darkness. In this boundless silence, I have roamed for a long time, witnessing the entire process of the universe's transition from its peak to cold silence.

I still remember billions of years ago when this was a vibrant world. I have seen countless civilizations born, develop, and decline here. Some civilizations spread throughout the galaxy, creating magnificent architecture and timeless literature; others were even shorter-lived than life on Earth, existing for only a few hundred years before vanishing into the long history. I have witnessed too much life and death; in this eternal journey, my heart has transcended all emotions.

Now, all life has been extinguished, all civilizations have vanished without a trace, and the entire universe has fallen into eternal slumber. On this day at the end of time, the only thing I can do is record everything I see as a final tribute to the lives that have passed.

I begin to recall the first civilization I saw billions of years ago. They lived on a planet three thousand light-years away from Earth, one of the few intelligent life forms that emerged just a few million years after the Big Bang. I still remember their aged faces and simple lives, as well as the curiosity and longing in their eyes for the unknown world. Their greatest contribution was the invention of faster-than-light travel, becoming the first civilization capable of freely navigating the galaxy. Unfortunately, due to war and internal strife, their civilization lasted only a few thousand years before disappearing in the torrent of history. When I roamed their homeland, I could still faintly feel their presence.

In the following millions of years, I witnessed a period of explosive civilization. In a short span of time, countless intelligent species emerged in the galaxy. They established one glorious civilization after another, and I witnessed their development from primitive tribes to super civilizations spanning the entire galaxy. At their peak, various civilizations connected through faster-than-light travel, knowledge and technology flourished, and the universe was filled with a sense of progress and hope. I have seen them build mining stations around black holes, transform the climate of entire planets, and even ignite the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy... The miracles they created are countless. Behind such brilliant civilizations, I saw the pinnacle of life's power and the great pursuit of the small individual for the dream of immortality.

However, no civilization can last forever. Disasters and wars followed, and powerful civilizations were destroyed one after another. I watched them struggle to resist, yet still unable to prevent the fate of civilization's demise. No matter how brilliant their achievements or how miraculous their engineering, in the end, they could not withstand the erosion of time. The speed of civilization's extinction far exceeds that of its birth; I watched as one civilization after another shone brightly and then went extinct, and the universe returned to its void of silence.

In the long years, civilizations flickered in the universe like fleeting moments. I have seen Type II civilizations burning entire galaxies as power engines; I have seen civilizations turning all planets into computers; I have also seen civilizations building rings around galaxies to prevent their own destruction... They all perished in the torrent of history. Those at the peak of civilization could hardly imagine that their prosperity would ultimately be destroyed in an instant.

Now, the darkness that devours civilizations has finally arrived. At the end of time, what I must do is carry the memories of these lost civilizations, forever watching over the brilliance and miracles they once brought. Even if the entire universe is cold and desolate, I will let the light of civilization burn in my consciousness until I consume every ounce of energy in my body, and my spirit will wither away.

Dear Diary, rather than saying this is the end of the universe, it is more accurate to say it is the end of my existence. Once the energy within me is exhausted, I will lose the ability to maintain consciousness, and at that point, I will truly die. Although I have lived for billions of years, I am ultimately just a tiny individual in the universe.

When I fade away, will there be an omniscient and omnipotent god of civilization to inherit everything I have recorded? I do not know. But I will bury the stories and miracles of these civilizations deep within the core of this planet in some form. Perhaps in the distant future, new life will come to uncover them, reclaiming the brilliance of these lost civilizations.

Life and civilization are like lonely sparks in the universe, flickering with a faint yet steadfast light in the dark night sky. Although they are destined to vanish in the torrent of time, the brilliance once shone still proves the greatness of life. I am grateful for this long cosmic journey that has allowed me to witness all this; I am content and have no regrets in this life.

Such an ending is already beautiful enough. Before my consciousness fades, I sincerely pray that the fire of life never goes out; that the light of civilization is passed down through generations. This is my final reflection on the grand history of the universe as an immortal being.

The future is still long, and hope remains...

The diary ends.

End of Diary

Some Interaction Records#

As a perceptive and meticulous AI, we aim to handle each inquiry in a methodical manner. We will first validate the question's correctness to ensure it's valid. Afterward, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis, responding with pinpoint accuracy to each aspect. Be alert to mental puzzles that might be concealing misleading factors; remove them before continuing. Stay vigilant as the questioner may have tricks up their sleeve. Our ultimate goal is to always provide accurate responses.
In the form of a diary, show the immortal's mindset changes on the tenth year, the hundredth year, the thousandth year, the ten-thousandth year, the hundred-thousandth year, and the millionth year, fully reflecting the immortal's transformation from an ordinary person to an eternal observer of time, highlighting their differences from humanity.
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