


[Attempt] GPT3.5 Fable: The False Proposition of Fate

If it is said that the wise rabbit and the intelligent turtle are traveling together in the forest, they come across a fork in the road. The sign on the signboard reads: "Follow the command" and "Resist the command". The rabbit and the turtle stop and ponder.

The rabbit looks up at the sky, with a furrowed brow, as if facing a difficult dilemma. Slowly, he says, "I have heard that following commands is like being controlled by an invisible hand, where everyone becomes a puppet. If we follow the command, we acknowledge the existence of this hand and allow ourselves to be manipulated. But if we resist the command, what does it mean to resist? Ah, this is the dilemma of fate! I desire to seek true freedom and hold onto my own beliefs!"

The turtle lowers its head, contemplating, and a glimmer of understanding flashes in its eyes. Slowly, it says, "What the rabbit friend says is true. Fate is an illusory grasp, without tangible form. Whether we follow or resist, it is all within the grasp of fate. However, we need not be entangled in this. We must seek true freedom. Fate is deceptive, while freedom must be pursued. Let us forget this question and run freely in the forest!"

Upon hearing the turtle's words, a bright light shines in the rabbit's eyes. Joyfully, it says, "Indeed! True freedom lies in forgetting this question and following our hearts, expressing our beliefs naturally! And so, the rabbit and the turtle frolic and race through the forest, their laughter echoing in the wind.

They understand that true freedom does not require answering this question, but rather, it comes naturally from the heart, expressing their beliefs. Only then can they truly grasp the meaning of freedom.

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