


[Record] Building Personal Homepage with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

After the domain name is filed, it needs to have DNS resolution to the corresponding domestic server of the cloud service provider and have active visits to avoid revocation of the filing. However, Alibaba Cloud's servers are too expensive, so I can only hang a homepage on Function Compute to maintain the filing. The homepage project used is KZHomePage.

  1. Download the latest version in releases and modify the homepage according to the comments.
  2. Enter Alibaba Cloud Digital Certificate Management Service to apply for a free domain name certificate to avoid using the root domain name.
  3. Enter Function Compute (FC) to create a service.
  4. Then create a function in the service, select custom runtime, and handle HTTP requests.
  5. Select NGINX as the runtime environment, and in the advanced configuration, set the specifications to the minimum.
  6. Upload the homepage and deploy the code once to make it effective.
  7. In the domain name management of Function Compute, add a custom domain name. Since CNAME needs to be verified, the root domain name cannot be used.
  8. Bind the route to the previously created function, and remember to manually update the certificate every year.
  9. Add a monitoring item in Uptime to maintain active visits to the homepage.
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