


[Setting] Antimatter-based Currency: A Future Monetary System Based on Antimatter Energy

In a distant future, humans have mastered the production and utilization of antimatter, creating a currency system based on antimatter energy called the Antimatter Standard Currency (E$). This currency system allows humans to easily obtain vast amounts of energy and establish interstellar consensus, thereby promoting the rapid development of technology and civilization.

Main Design#

The Antimatter Standard Currency is a bimetallic currency system with positrons and antiprotons as the main coins. One antiproton is equivalent to 1836 positrons, and the currency unit is E$. 1 E$ is equal to 6e16 antiprotons, and the energy produced by the complete annihilation of antimatter and an equal amount of matter is approximately 5 kilowatt-hours. The design of the future currency system based on antimatter is as follows:

  • Currency Unit: E$, 1 E$ is equal to 6e16 antiprotons.
  • Standard Currency: Positrons and antiprotons, with one antiproton equivalent to 1836 positrons.
  • Antimatter Production: Use high-energy photons to collide and produce matter and antimatter, and use electromagnetic fields to separate and capture antimatter.
  • Antimatter Storage: Use magnetic field confinement to separate and store positrons and antiprotons, and create antimatter storage tanks as external payment methods.
  • Antimatter Power Generation: Use a reactor to annihilate antimatter and matter, converting the released heat and light energy into electricity, and use supercapacitors as energy storage buffer units.
  • Internal Payment Method: Within the speed of light acceptable area, use blockchain technology for payment through digital currency purchases, transactions, etc. Each wallet should be able to store or use amounts less than 1 E$.
  • External Payment Method: Interstellar transactions are conducted through the trading of antimatter storage tanks, directly trading positrons and antiprotons.
  • Stability Guarantee: Based on the law of conservation of mass-energy, the total amount of currency is guaranteed to remain unchanged.

Technical Details#

  1. Antimatter Power Generation Technology: Convert the energy generated by the annihilation of antimatter into electricity without loss.
  2. Antimatter Storage Technology: Use superconducting magnets and magnetic field confinement technology to store antiprotons and positrons in relatively stable positions within a magnetic field, avoiding contact with surrounding ordinary matter to ensure their stability and storage status.
  3. Electrical Energy Storage Technology: Similar to supercapacitors, it can store a large amount of electrical energy and serve as an energy storage buffer unit in antimatter power generation technology.
  4. Antimatter Production Technology: Convert high-energy photons into corresponding mass of antimatter and matter without loss.

Antimatter Power Generation Technology#

  1. Reserve Antimatter: Store the produced positrons and antiprotons using antimatter storage technology.
  2. Store Energy: Store electrical energy in supercapacitors as energy storage buffer units.
  3. Convert Antimatter: Use magnetic field confinement to guide an equal amount of antimatter and ordinary matter into a specific reactor for annihilation reaction. In this reaction, antimatter and ordinary matter meet and annihilate each other, turning into pure energy, releasing a large amount of heat and light energy. This energy is extracted and converted into voltage and current output to the energy storage buffer unit, stabilized, and connected to the power grid to supply the required power.

Antimatter Storage Technology#

  1. Storage Using Magnetic Field: Use superconducting magnets and magnetic field confinement technology to store antiprotons and positrons in relatively stable positions within a magnetic field, avoiding contact with surrounding ordinary matter to ensure their stability and storage status.
  2. Manufacture Antimatter Storage Tanks: Place a certain amount of antiprotons and positrons in two small magnetic field containers respectively, and then connect these two containers to ensure electrical neutrality externally, forming an antimatter storage tank. This storage tank can be used as an external payment method for direct trading of antimatter.

Electrical Energy Storage Technology#

  1. Composition of Storage Device: Usually composed of two charged electrodes and a medium storage unit, where the charged electrodes are used to store electrical energy, and the medium is used to isolate the charge between the two electrodes.
  2. Storage Process: Connect a DC power source to the charged electrode of the storage device, and a static electric field can be formed between the electrode and the medium. The static electric field can adsorb electrons onto the charged electrode, forming a negative charge and promoting the flow of electrons on the charged electrode. At the same time, positive charges will form on the surface of the other electrode.

Antimatter Production Technology#

  1. Generate Antimatter: In the antimatter production device, use high-energy photons to collide and produce matter and antimatter, and use electromagnetic fields to separate and capture antimatter.
  2. Capture Antimatter from Antimatter Cloud: Focus the antimatter cloud to a small area and separate and capture positrons and antiprotons in a vacuum chamber. This process usually uses electromagnetic fields to guide antimatter to specific positions.
  3. Energy Source: Create an array of antimatter production units surrounded by an array of mirrors evenly distributed around the sun. Each central point of the mirror array is equipped with an antimatter production unit. These mirrors can concentrate the photons from the sun to a high density, allowing the photons to collide with each other, thereby producing matter and antimatter. The antimatter is separated and stored in antimatter storage tanks within the array. Then, unmanned drones will collect the antimatter back and forth to the antimatter storage tanks on the space station at regular intervals.

Technical Risks and Solutions#

1. What are the principles and technologies that make the containers reliable enough? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is it possible for failures or damage to occur?#

  1. The principle and technology that make the containers reliable enough is the use of magnetic field confinement to isolate antimatter from ordinary matter, preventing them from undergoing annihilation reactions. This technology is called the Penning ion trap, which can capture and manipulate antimatter particles in a powerful electromagnetic field in a vacuum environment.
  2. The advantages of containers being reliable enough are the effective storage of antimatter, avoiding energy loss and dangerous explosions. The disadvantages of containers being reliable enough are the substantial energy consumption required to maintain the stability of the electromagnetic field, as well as the complexity and cost of the containers themselves.
  3. It is possible for failures or damage to occur to the containers, such as fluctuations or interruptions in the electromagnetic field, or the containers being affected by external forces or internal reactions. Once the containers fail or are damaged, antimatter will come into contact with ordinary matter and undergo annihilation, resulting in the release of tremendous energy and catastrophic consequences.

2. What are the methods and efficiency of using stellar energy for production? What are the risks and costs? Is it possible to affect the stability or ecology of stars?#

  1. The method of using stellar energy for production is to use an array of mirrors to concentrate the photons from the star to a high density, allowing the photons to collide with each other and produce matter and antimatter. This method is called high-energy photon collision, which utilizes stars as an endless source of energy to produce antimatter.
  2. The efficiency of using stellar energy for production is very high because stars emit a large number of photons at all times, and the probability of photon collisions is also high. The risks and costs of using stellar energy for production are very high because it requires the construction and maintenance of large and complex mirror arrays and antimatter production devices, as well as the need to ensure the safe storage and transportation of antimatter.
  3. It is possible to affect the stability or ecology of stars by using stellar energy for production because the mirror arrays will alter the distribution and direction of star photons, and they will consume a portion of the energy of star photons. This may have unknown effects on the star itself or the surrounding planetary system.

3. Emergency measures for container damage#

Damage to the container surrounding the star#

  1. The production unit's antimatter container is located on a space station that orbits the sun. Even if the container is damaged, the antimatter will continue to orbit the trajectory due to inertia constraint. In this case, there will be enough time to dispatch unmanned drones capable of manipulating magnetic fields to recollect the antimatter.
  2. At the same time, the antimatter in the container will be collected by unmanned drones at regular intervals and transported to a safer antimatter storage tank on the space station. Therefore, there will not be too much antimatter in the container. Through precise calculations and reasonable arrangements, the cost of container damage surrounding the star can be kept within an acceptable range.

Damage to the antimatter storage tanks on the space station#

The antimatter storage containers are not located on the space station orbiting the sun, but on cold asteroids located at the edge of the solar system. In this case, the antimatter storage containers can utilize the low temperature and high density of the asteroids to maintain the stability of antimatter and prevent interference from enemies due to the concealment and distance of the asteroids. If the containers are damaged or destroyed, the antimatter will not come into contact with the surrounding matter and undergo annihilation, but will be attracted by the gravity of the asteroid and fall onto the surface, forming a miniature volcanic crater. In this case, unmanned drones or robots can be used to recollect the antimatter, or the entire asteroid can be used as a huge antimatter storage tank.

  1. The asteroid will not react with antimatter because the antimatter is still confined by the magnetic field in the container, and the container is placed on the asteroid. The low temperature and high density of the asteroid are only to provide a more suitable environment for antimatter storage, such as reducing the thermal motion of antimatter, increasing the density of antimatter, and reducing the leakage of antimatter.
  2. Using the entire asteroid as a huge antimatter storage tank means that if the antimatter storage container is damaged or destroyed, causing the antimatter to come into contact with the matter on the surface of the asteroid, then this annihilation reaction can be used to generate energy, thereby using the asteroid as an energy source. This method can avoid the waste and danger of antimatter and provide emergency energy supply.
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