


WEBP Screenshot Tool: ShareX + imagemagick

WebP provides excellent lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. With WebP, website administrators and web developers can create smaller, richer images, making the web faster. Compared to PNG, WebP lossless images are 26% smaller. At the same SSIM quality index, WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images.

The screenshot function we usually use only provides images in PNG/JPEG format by default, and manual conversion is too troublesome. I don't know if this issue of Snipaste that supports webp format has been resolved. 😜

When searching for a solution, I found this article 全站今日起使用 WEBP 格式,截图工具 ShareX 分享, which shares a way to support webp screenshots through ShareX + imagemagick. I tried it and it feels good, so I'm recording the process. 😏

Software Preparation#

ShareX Action Settings#

  • Follow the image Action Settings-Action-Add to enter the action add page
  • Follow the image to configure the action parameters: "$input" -quality 50 -define WebP:lossless=true "$output"

ShareX Screenshot Task#

  • Set the task order after taking a screenshot in the order shown in the image
  • Configuration is complete, press the Screenshot Shortcut Key to experience it immediately

PS: The images and annotations in this article are all captured using ShareX 😆

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