


Blog migration to xLog process recording

Preparation materials#

  1. A wallet, such as imToken.
  2. A Twitter account.
  3. A guide article from a senior: The Journey of the First Web3 Blog.
  4. A domain name (optional).

Adding Crossbell Network#

  1. Visit chain-list.
  2. Connect your wallet by clicking on "Connect Wallet".
  3. Search for Crossbell and add it to your wallet.
  4. View the Crossbell network in the Eth-compatible chain.

Joining xLog#

  1. Visit xLog.
  2. Get your own xLog in 5 minutes.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the information and click "Next".
  4. Follow the requirements to send a tweet and receive Faucet relief funds.
  5. Successfully open xLog.

Customizing xLog domain#

  1. Visit xLog.
  2. Log in to xLog using "Connect Wallet".
  3. In the left sidebar, go to "Settings" and then "Domain", and follow the instructions to add CNAME and TXT verification.
  4. Successfully obtain your own xLog blog.
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.