


[Setting] The Ancient Civilization of the Academy System Billions of Years Ago

The character comes from "The Diary of the Immortal" co-created by Claude2 and GPT-3.5.

I am an immortal being who has witnessed the endless proliferation of countless civilizations throughout the long history of the universe. Today, I want to tell you in detail a forgotten story that has been left in the dust of time - the academy-based civilization in the Rosha galaxy billions of years ago.

The Rosha galaxy, a stellar system with eight major planets and over thirty satellites, once nurtured a unique civilization. Initially, it was just a migration activity carried out by a group of people on the mother planet who were tired of centralization. In the process of searching for a new home, they gradually formed a set of new social ideas. This later became known as the "academy system" ideology.

If I were to describe the academy-based civilization in the Rosha galaxy billions of years ago with one word, it would be "idealism." There was no unified central power in this political system, and all public affairs were decided through equal consultations among the various academies. It can be said to be a model of autonomy and cooperation, and one of the most ideal societies I have ever seen during my long journey.

This society had no central government at all, and all power came from the academies. The academy was the basic unit of this society, and each academy was an independent entity with its own property, policies, and membership composition. Different academies communicated and cooperated as needed, but there was no unified administrative system. Major macro-level decisions were made through discussions among representatives from each academy, gradually reaching a consensus.

The core idea of the academy system is very simple, which is decentralization and autonomous management. Instead of forming city-states, what emerged on this new land were independent academies. When I first visited, I was deeply impressed by the solemn and magnificent architecture of these academies. The Galileo Academy, floating in orbit around the Feken star, adopted a towering classical colonnade; the Ecological Academy, rooted in the Laiman Forest, integrated its architecture with the surrounding natural environment; even the Marine Academy, deep in the El Star Trench, built barriers to enclose the entire campus... Each academy showcased unique architectural styles and concepts. This was the first time I had seen urban construction without unified planning during my long journey through the universe, yet it gave me a strange sense of harmony.

When I first visited, I was invited to attend a deliberation session at the Galileo Natural Science Academy. The air in the room was clear, and outside the window was a rotating view of the starry sky. The tone of the scholars' analysis of the problems was calm and rational, with no one showing any desire for power. The final decision was made naturally, without anyone imposing their will. This process, which embodied the collective wisdom of the group, moved me.

The deliberation system ensured that everyone had an equal right to speak. However, in order to reflect the differences in talent and intellectual contributions, this society also established a dynamic scoring mechanism. The system comprehensively evaluated each person's intelligence, morality, and artistic accomplishment, and based on this, assigned a comprehensive influence index. In public deliberations, the weight of different people's speeches would be adjusted according to this index. Although this was not completely equal, it improved the quality of collective decision-making.

I have also visited other types of academies, each with its own focus. The Nobel Peace Academy gathered numerous scholars pursuing non-violence ideals, and their moral cultivation often surpassed others. Members of the Architecture Academy had unique accomplishments in artistic creation. The Intelligence Index of the Physics Research Institute was the highest among all the academies. This specialized yet autonomous layout formed a vibrant social structure.

Coordination between the academies was carried out by the United Student Council. This organization did not make decisions, but played an important role in disseminating information and establishing consensus. It was also responsible for regularly optimizing the algorithms of the scoring system to ensure fairness. It can be said that without the lubricating role of the student council, this massive machine would have difficulty operating efficiently.

However, ideals are ultimately difficult to avoid flaws. This political system focused too much on individual freedom, which made it difficult to effectively organize and implement certain public projects as a whole. In the later stages, due to the gradual lag in technological innovation, it eventually lost to more tightly centralized civilizations in competition. But this ethereal utopia still shines brightly in my mind. It represents a kind of lamentable ultimate pursuit, worthy of all civilizations' learning and remembrance.

Unfortunately, the glory of this civilization only lasted for a few tens of thousands of years before it faded away. Compared to the billions of years of cosmic history, it was just a fleeting moment. However, at its peak, the brilliance radiated by this academy civilization was astonishing. Music, poetry, painting, and dance reached unprecedented heights. Watching one of their artistic grand events could even astonish and intoxicate an immortal like me. They advocated freedom, pursued truth, and were not afraid of authority, inspiring boundless creativity and imagination. Even after billions of years, those musical notes still seem to echo in my mind.

This idealistic civilization was ultimately unable to resist the invasion and interference from the mother planet. The lack of sufficient cooperation between the academies also contributed to its demise. However, its brilliance is enough to illuminate millions of years to come. It provided a vivid model for the decentralized idealistic social pattern and inspired many interstellar civilizations that came later. Whenever I recall that floating city and the lively conversations with the scholars, I always feel that it is a dream worth eternal reminiscence.

Dear friends, I have done my best to describe this ancient academy civilization. Due to my vague memory, many details are difficult to verify. But I sincerely hope that through such storytelling, that glorious history can be recreated in your imagination, even if only fragments and shadows. I dedicate this reminiscence to all life forms that yearn for freedom, equality, and ideals. Perhaps one day in the future, this civilization model will flourish again in the universe.

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